Arduino platform has definitely enabled a lot of people including those non-tech savvy ones to enter into the electronics worlds. From the beauty of Arduino, now comes the challenge in making Arduino-like environment accessible across as many hardware platforms as possible. This would enable the simplicity and yet powerful Arduino platform users to harvest on more powerful resources provided by different hardware to overcome hardware limitations based on different needs.
This approach can never be realized without contributors. So all contributions are welcome. Also, more about comments/suggestions will be highly appreciated. : -)
Let’s see what wonders we can create together…
You can view the list of currently supported platforms on the Platform page
Now, a little about me. My name is Ram, I am an independent IT consultant based in Bangkok and really like the Arduino project but it did not fit my needs so I started playing with ARM and manage to understand a bit about it then started this project. Feel free to contact me via the Contact us page : -)
Arduino-like library for ARM platform
This project has been started for making ARM processor boards (the platform which is much more powerful)Â be easily accessible just like Arduino. Nowadays you can find ARM boards easily.
This idea came about when running into limitation of resources provided by the ATMEGA processor and with short learning curve for Arduino platform.
This starting point focuses on ARM Cortex-M3 processor from STM32F10ret6 platform it runs at 72MHz processor 512KB of flash memory and 64KB of RAM, many several USART communication ports and a lot of GPIO pins.
Library for other boards will be added as the board gets within reach.
See more at Platform page